Thursday, March 1, 2012

All you need is the love of a dog and cat

I feel like the richest girl in the world when I am at home with the ones I love. My pets always do the cutest damn things! No matter my sour mood they lift me up and make me so happy I forget whatever silly thing I was sour about in the first place. These our a few snapshots I got of the things they did today to make me smile.

Seriously love this one of One Eyed Louie - such a funny fat kitty 


  1. They're adorable! No wonder they bring such joy.

    1. Thank you :) They are quite amazing creatures <3

  2. cute! its so true. they are riches:)
    and one eyed louie is such a wild funny boy in that last pic! heehee

    1. Haha Louie makes some pretty hilarious faces daily but I cannot believe I caught this one on camera!
      <3 <3 do you have any kitties jane?
